Life after the pandemic

I was at a social event over the weekend with strict social distancing protocols implemented. Many of us at the event joked about how we’d forgotten how to converse in person and pick up on social cues. Reality set in pretty harshly, making me visualize what life will look like post-pandemic and wonder – will there be new societal rules? I have a ton of questions that raise my anxiousness considerably because of just how fast everything changes. Here a few things I’ve come up with to be optimistic about the future with a pragmatic approach. 


Summer is no doubt the time to travel and explore the world, but the pandemic has grinded the travel industry to a complete stop. However, hotels and airlines are still offering tremendous discounts and deals at least up to a year out. If traveling is on the top of your list to do, plan on booking hotels that will allow you to reserve now but pay later. Airline tickets don’t have the same flexibility, so it’s wise just to track the price. 


If you have student loans, check if you are eligible to stop making payments until September 2020. There will be NO interest accumulated until then. However, if you’re someone like me who wants to pay off their student loans as quickly as possible, you can still make payments towards your student loans and it will ALL go towards your principal, which is extremely nice. 

If you’re looking to trim down your expenses, this is the best time to do so. Cut off all but one streaming service, keep your data plan, and resist the temptation to purchase anything outside the essentials.


Unemployment is rising,  work hours are severely reduced, and if you’re on the hunt for a job, companies simply are not seeking any help because of how much the economy has slowed down due to the pandemic. If you’re in one of these situations, be sure to file for unemployment. It’s a tedious but necessary process. While finding a job in this pandemic is like finding a needle in a haystack, keep persisting until something comes along your way.

This is a new precedent we’re all facing, with an uncertain future ahead of us. The best we can do is to stay informed and follow protocol. It’s always the darkest just before dawn and dawn is coming.

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