AH! Move in is here (or almost here) and you’re mind is going a mile a minute thinking about all of the stuff you need to do to get your room ready to the year. Here are a few things to remember during move in…
Keep calm
Move in can be pretty hectic with everyone around and all of your stuff scatered, so the main thing to remember is to take a deep breath and stay relaxed. Think of a way for you to calm yourself when you get stressed out like counting to 3, repeating a quote or phrase to yourself or even hanging a calming picture right when you get in your dorm.
Create a plan
It’s difficult to deal with the craziness on move in day, but if you have a plan it may be a little easier to handle. If you’re moving in with the help of your parents, figure out their agenda if they have one. Research your specific move in time and then plan when you need to leave your home in order to get to your dorm at the same time. Figure out when you’re going to pack up the car and talk to your roommate ahead of time to make sure you’re not going to be in eachother’s way.
Stay organized
One way to get overwhelmed is to start unpacking every box and suitcase at the same time…so we suggest doing the opposite. Try to make a list or label each box so that you know where your stuff is. If your family is helping you, divide and concor. Make sure your helpers have a box that they can organize without you so that you’re not getting frustrated bouncing back and fourth. Try going box by box for an organized flow.
Pace yourself
Just because it’s called “move in day” doesn’t mean everything has to be done that day. It’s hard to leave stuff unfinished and it’s nice to be moved in and not deal with it again, but don’t pressure yourself to finish that day if it’s getting overwhelming. You can take a trip to the store the next day to get those hooks or extra hangers and hang the pictures later this week. Take a break if you need one and listen to your body if it’s telling you to stop for the day.
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