5 Survival Tips For The Spring Semester

Congratulations Collegiate’s! 

You’ve just made it through the first month or two (depending on when your university semester start date occurred) of the Spring Semester! This is a huge accomplishment when compared to the Fall semester! At least with the first half of the year, you had a slew of fall and winter holidays to look forward to. Coming off of a 3 month summer siesta probably helped too!

The Spring Semester – not so much… 

Though there are a few good holidays to anticipate (and, admittedly, the Spring Training games to kick back at and guzzle a few beers down with your buddies) – let’s face it: at the end of the day, you didn’t have much of a break during the winter holidays. Not only that, but you probably returned to a snow covered campus, making it difficult to get motivated and back into the swing of things for classes, assignments and exams.

The synopsis is – you’re pretty much running on a low fuel level to get you through the remaining months ahead of you. Which is a total buzz kill…

But let’s not spiral down the ‘Debbie Downer’ path, cause that chick blows and nobody likes to be dragged down. Skipping ahead to the good part – below, are a few tips to help you survive the rest of the semester.

5 Survival Tips To Focus On:

#1: Don’t Skip Out On Sleep
All-nighter’s are bound to happen…They’re fun, they happen and I say go for it and cherish them.  Just limit them to a few times a month – not per week. Sleep is necessary for concentration, focus and just your overall mood. Nobody likes a crabby pants, so if you’re pulling an all-nighter be sure to stick to the coffee or sugar the next day to avoid a mental break down or beat down from one of your dorm mates.

#2: Work Out

So, maybe sweat and gyms aren’t your thing. It’s especially off-putting when you show up and there’s that one guy who’s grunting so obnoxiously you can’t help but think of bedroom noises every time the bar goes up or the machines weights slam loudly. Not to worry though, it’s only embarrassing for him. If you hate gyms, try out the campus pool or track. The weather might be cold, but it doesn’t mean you should pass up on your adrenaline fix. (Note: sky diving does not count.) The endorphin rush will help you with stress and keep you in shape.

#3: Eat Right
A few cookies here and there aren’t going to hurt you.  But, if all you’re putting in your face is Ramen noodles, snickers bars and leftover pizza, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Get on a good diet plan and stick to it.  If you need to cheat, have allocated days for those much needed “cheat days,” but don’t let your sugar cravings throw you off.  Tip: If you’re craving sugar, the general rule of thumb is that you need some protein. Eat a steak or tofu something instead.

#4: Class Troubles
You’re not going to ace every paper, group project or exam. It’s a fact of life… It doesn’t mean you suck at it though.  Sometimes those notes in class just don’t cut it… So, if you’re having trouble, jump online and check out EDTed, Coursera.Org, Udacity.com, ureddit.com, or even edx.org.  All of these sites are awesome tools to rely on to get your head wrapped around a topic you just can’t get. They can also be helpful in providing you with an alternative approach to learning a subject.

#5: Making Ends Meet
Having a hard time with the budget your parents have you on? Or perhaps the grant money you counted on fell through?  Either way, making ends meet isn’t easy, and attempting a part time job while attending college isn’t always an option. That’s why you’re in college though- so you can land a decent job once you graduate.  If you’re on a tight budget and need a quick fix to redeem your spending money for class and all of the tedious expenses that go with it, try out some of these options: 

  • Federal Student Aid
  • Quintessential Careers: Paying for College
  • Fin Aid: The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid
  • Cash Course: Paying for College
  • The Money Club House
  • One for your Money
  • Education Cents
  • Spendster
  • Jumpstart Financial Literacy
  • Financial IQ
  • My Money
  • On a side note… You DO HAVE a few things to look forward to. #5 to be exact!!!

    #1: March Madness (So B-Ball’s not your thing. Who cares?! It gives you a reason to sit around a TV and yell at it with your friends!)
    #2: Cinco- De Mayo (Even if it’s not your nationality, you can still celebrate it. Right?) 
    #3: St Patricks Day (Green beer binges, yummmm!) 
    #4: Spring Break Trip (Hello swim suit and short shorts season!)
    #5: Summer is close by (3 month vacation is coming up, time to pack up your s***t and go home!) 

    As a Dorm Room Movers author, feel free to leave any additional tips to survive the rest of the semester. Good luck and make the most of it!



    (c) All Rights Reserved to Dorm Room Movers

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