Keep Your College Essay Simple

Although some schools review your high school grades and SAT scores, College Essays are one of the first things that a college requires you to write during your application process. 

The better you “look” on paper, the more likely it is that you’ll be accepted into the college program of your choice. It’s not only the best way to introduce yourself to a college and it’s staff, but it’s also the best time to reflect on your past achievements and politely gloat about them on paper. 

Sometimes that’s easier said than done… 

Dorm Room Movers’ motto is to keep it simple. 

In our specific case, we make moving, shipping and storage – SIMPLE.  But for you, we suggest that you keep it simple by following this short and easy to follow essay outline:

  1. Introduction… Start by introducing who you are and what you hope to accomplish while attending college.
  2. Standout… In the second paragraph, write about your accomplishments and/or achievements. If you get stuck, think about where you’ve traveled, what particular childhood moments standout to you the most and/or how they’ve molded you into the person you are today. Think about particular interests you may have and even hobbies that you enjoy. Colleges want to know what makes you unique – this is where you define those qualities about yourself that make you, well – YOU! 
  3. Be Honest… Whether you want to admit it or not, we all have faults. This is your chance to come clean and state them, but with a spin. Put them in a positive light for a change by divulging what they are and why they make you unique or how you’ve been able to work through them. For instance, you may have done poorly on testing but are great at public speaking or something of that nature. A good way to show something like this is to reference how you work best in specific scenarios, and though it may not reflect in your test results, your ability to speak in public (or whatever it may be) is a skill set you’ve been able to master as a result of it. If possible, include a reference from one of your high school teachers or someone that you’ve worked closely with that is willing to back up your unique skill and/or ability (examples could be a co-worker, employer, a friends parent, or even a guidance counselor or coach). 
  4. Close With Reinforcement… Here, you want to briefly summarize why you’re interested in their college and why you feel you meet their student criteria expectations. 
Additional samples for college essays can be found on Spark Notes. Depending on what your flair is, they have all types of samples listed there that reflect creative writing samples to academic achievements. 

As a Dorm Room Movers Author, I look forward to your comments here. 



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