When it comes to making a decision, the usual method of choice is to create a pros and cons list, or to simply go with your gut instinct. Considering the enormous variables now at play with COVID-19 on the field, how does one decide to attend the 2020-2021 school year? Let’s begin by creating a pros and cons list:
- Courses have been reworked to be remote friendly.
- Universities have implemented strict health measures and safety precautions, such as de-densifying campus grounds, practicing social distancing, wearing masks, etc.
- Schools have contingency plans regarding COVID-19 (i.e. open campuses can transition to remote learning smoothly, should the need arise).
- College campuses are providing resources to students having trouble accessing remote courses*
- Adjusted tuition cost*
*Check with your campus to see if this is something being provided.
- Technical difficulties that go hand in hand with remote learning.
- Not the same learning experience going remote as there is with in person learning.
- The variables associated with COVID-19 – such as spiked cases.
- Accountability and reliability of others to follow the rules and guidelines put in place.
- Condensed semester.
- Spring semester is still an uncertainty as of this exact moment.
If these pros and cons just don’t seem to cut it, you can always go with your gut instinct. There’s no wrong or right decision here. If you do decide to attend fall semester in person, go into it with an open mind and try to be adaptable. If you decide you’re not ready to go back to school IRL, it’s completely understandable considering the immense variables at play. In the end, you have to be able to live with your choices and understand the consequences, both good and bad.
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