Last week, we discussed the health and safety measures that campuses across the nation are implementing for fall semester 2020 during the pandemic. These policies are vast and highly detailed, but they are great first steps needed to both ensure high quality academic education and maintain good health safety protocols. This week, we’ll look into what Residence Life is doing for fall semester 2020.
We’d like to point out that we are not speaking on behalf of any particular college campus – we’re only speaking broadly in terms of what trends we’re seeing across the board. Please be sure to refer to your school for more specific information regarding your housing assignment.
From what we’ve seen thus far, we’re looking at 2 plans for on campus housing – reduced numbers and closed.
Campuses that will allow students to live on campus will follow a rule of one student per room, so no roommates. Triples or quads will be reduced to just doubles. Additionally, students will be required to wear masks when inside the Residence Halls and when outside their room. Again, not all campuses will be implementing this, so please refer to your school’s Residence Life for more details.
This one’s pretty self explanatory. Residence Life will not allow students to live on campus in order to dramatically reduce and/or prevent the spread of infection due to close quarters inside of residence halls.
Both of these plans come at no surprise at all. Consistently adapting to change has become a constant, and these plans seem sensible simply because of the challenging nature of how closely confined everything is inside the residence halls.
We feel these two plans are appropriate to ensure the health and safety of students and staff in Residence Life. We do understand that it won’t be the same college experience that existed pre-pandemic, but who knows? There could be a silver lining somewhere in there.
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