There are truly gifted people out there and when they take their talents to pumpkin carving, they don’t hold back at all. Enjoy these 10 detailed pumpkin carvings.
1. Predator
The unreleased sequel.
Source: Villafane Studios
2. Spider-Man
Your friendly neighborhood pumpkin.
Source: Reddit
3. Mario
Princess Peach makes everyone glow.
4. Star Wars Death Star
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of pumpkin seeds suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Source: Total Geekdom
5. Optimus Prime, Transformers
Pumpkins, roll out!
Source: Reddit
6. Minion, Despicable Me
Bee doo, bee doo, bee doo.
Source: Reddit
7. Batman
Because he’s the pumpkin Halloween deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Source: Reddit
8. Vincent van Gogh’s, “The Starry Night”
Starry night surprise.
9. Terminator
Skynet found a way to deploy their Terminators through squash plants.
10. Ghostbusters
I ain’t afraid of no pumpkin!
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