You’ve been back for a few weeks now, or even a few months but something still doesn’t feel right. Of course you love seeing your family and old friends, and getting a break from classes and studying, but it doesn’t feel the same as college.
If you have all of these symptoms, you’re probably experiencing what we in the biz call “growing up.” If this is the case, you may feel like you’re revisiting the past by living in your old room, so why not blend the two worlds?
Here are 3 ways to make your old room feel like home again:
Picture This: You may feel like your old room is filled with old memories, so why not freshen it up? Get some new picture frames or a new picture board and put up a few recent pictures or you and your college buddies to make it feel like its a blend of both college and home.
Remodel: We’re not saying you have to go crazy, but maybe it’s time to put some of those dolls away or go with more of an adult bed spread. Sometimes simple changes like putting out a college throw blanket can make you feel better and make the room feel more mature in an instant.
Get Comfy: Maybe you’re just feeling disconnected from your home since you haven’t spent much time there this year. Try reading a good book on your bed or inviting some friends to hang out at your house. The more time you spend there, the more your childhood house will feel like home again.
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