It’s hard to stray from Pop-Tarts, Easy Mac and Ramen as your snacks when you’re in your dorm room, but having a balanced diet is really important during your college years. You’re staying up late studying and waking up early to study some more so you need your energy. Take a look at some of these healthy snacks you can make right in your dorm room:
#1 Ants on a log 2.0– You’ve been eating ants on a log for years, and there’s really no reason to stop. You can stick with the easy, healthy snacks you made when you lived at home, but you’re in college now so you should probably step your game up a little. You can get creative with this snack and put peanut butter and yogurt on different fruits or veggies. The raisins are always good, but you can also add things like craisins and blueberries or chocolate chips to add a little pizazz.
#2 Peanut butter chocolate chip granola bites– If you have a sweet tooth and don’t want to have something unhealthy, this is the perfect snack. These granola balls slightly resemble a granola bar, but they’re homemade and even tastier. There are tons of recipes out there that are similar to this one but have a different flavor twist, so you can try different ones each time you make them.
#3 Energetic parfait– Parfaits are great things to make for breakfast or have as a quick snack in between studying. This particular recipe features heated up marshmallows and mixed berries, but you can decide what you want on your parfait and put your own spin on it.
#4 Fruit skewers with raspberry dip– Okay, we know putting the word skewers in the title doesn’t quite grab you. There’s no tricking you- you’ll be eating fruit. However, the raspberry dip made out of marshmallows, cream cheese and raspberry preserves brings this snack to the next level of deliciousness.
#5 Tuna stuffed tomatoes– This recipe can be served as a snack or even a light lunch. The recipe is gluten and carb free but if you’re feeling like you need a little boost, just add a few multigrain crackers to the mix. You can mix whatever you want in your tuna salad and if you’re not a huge tuna fan, change it up to egg salad or chicken salad.
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