Building a Strong Connection with Your Roommate Before College Starts

Congratulations! You’ve received your housing assignment and found out who your roommate will be. It’s natural to want to look them up on social media immediately, but we recommend taking a different approach: try video chatting with them instead.

Why Avoid Social Media Stalking? 

Social media can be misleading. It often shows only highlights and curated moments, which can lead to preconceived notions and misunderstandings. Instead of forming an opinion based on their online persona, get to know them through a video call. This way, you can see their expressions, hear their tone of voice, and get a more authentic sense of who they are.

The Benefits of Video Chatting 

Face-to-face interaction is invaluable. It allows you to pick up on non-verbal cues and build a more genuine connection. Written messages can be easily misconstrued, but a conversation in real-time can help you better understand each other and lay the groundwork for a positive relationship.

Meeting in Person: A Great Next Step 

If possible, try to meet your roommate in person before the semester starts. Attending the same orientation is a perfect opportunity. You can explore the campus together, check out the local area, and even share a hotel room if needed. These shared experiences can help strengthen your bond and make the transition to dorm life smoother.

Building a Strong Foundation 

Establishing a good relationship with your roommate is crucial for a positive dorm experience. My own freshman and sophomore year roommates were fantastic, despite being very different from me. I learned a lot from them, and those experiences enriched my college life. Even though we’ve lost touch, I often think back fondly on our time together.

Final Thoughts

 A wise RA once told me, “It’s not about how many people you know, but the meaningful relationships you build that matter most.” As you prepare for the upcoming semester, take the time to get to know your roommate genuinely. Enjoy the summer and get excited about the new adventures and friendships that await you!

Enjoy the journey, and make the most of the opportunity to build a meaningful connection with your new roommate!