If you’re planning to live in the Residence Halls for the first time, you’ve probably heard/read about the pros and cons of living in the dorms by now. Feel free to take all that information under consideration, but allow me to give you my perspective on the matter (since I just so happened to have lived in the residence halls for two years).
In short, I had a total blast. I met many wonderful people on campus – not only in my wing, but throughout the entire dorm. The sense of community that I felt both years I lived on campus was great due to the awesome Resident Assistants, and overall just nice people in general. Yes, there were a few unsavory moments, but they weren’t memorable enough for me to care, nor were they significant enough to overshadow the great moments.
In my first year, our dorm had a massive Halloween party, and all the other dorm communities came down to partake in the festivities. It was massive, extremely lively, and it was tons of fun!
My Resident Assistant was extremely helpful and insightful. He helped to ease us into college life at an adaptable pace and offered us various pointers about campus life.
Despite my stories, (or anyone else’s for that matter) I highly encourage you to go into this new situation with an open mind and to make it your own experience.