August is here already? That means fall semester is just weeks away! Next step is for you to move into your new dorm room! Here are a few tips to ensure you have a smooth process!
The most important thing to have during move in day. Follow the campuses procedures. It’s been built over years of check in experience. Doing this will allow you to be in control during the organized chaos. You should receive instructions prior to move in day, so ensure to read all the details before hand.
Start building a rapport with the Residence Life staff by introducing yourself and saying hi to the Resident Assistants! RAs spent their summers in training and they’ve been waiting to meet their residents for the semester! Building that rapport early on will provide joyful experiences throughout the semester!
Dorm Rooms do not have plenty of living space, so only pack the essentials, and only purchase what you need AFTER you’ve completely moved in. We completely understand if you want to make your room a bit more home-y and there are ways to do that (will be discussed in a future bog), but the focus is to get your room set up. If your roommate is not there and need to do something in the room that requires your roommate, wait until they arrive to discuss it.
Each Residence Hall has different traditions and cultures, so if staff plans a social gathering after everyone has checked in, definitely attend the festivities! It’s a great opportunity to meet people you will be living with!
All in all, have fun. College is a beautiful experience shaped by you. Have a smooth move in day and best wishes for fall semester!
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