This week’s blog will be dedicated to our logistics team and vendor partners! We like… Read the postMover Memes
Can you feel our excitement about finals? No? Good! Glad we’re on the same page.… Read the postFinals Are Here! Yay…
Let’s keep those Spring Break themed memes going! This time, it’s about traveling. Enjoy the… Read the postSpring Break Memes Pt. 2
Can you believe that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner? We hope you’re all… Read the postHappy Valentine’s Day!
Hello Spring Semester 2022! We know that some of you are beginning the new semester… Read the postSpring Semester Memes
There are two types of Halloween people in this world- the ones that celebrate it… Read the postHappy Halloween!
Let’s face it- once you’re in college, sleep becomes non-existent. It’s almost like a distant… Read the postMake Sleep a Priority in Your College Life