Now that you’re all settled into your new dorm room with time to relax, you’re probably feeling waves of emotions. Perhaps it’s a combination of excitement, relief, and nervousness. Or, maybe already feeling homesick, and that’s completely okay. You’re in a new phase of your life that you are in complete control of. Here are a few tips to take advantage of your new environment.
The first week of living in the residence hall will be the excitement/adjustment phase. The environment should be extremely lively as Residence Halls will most likely be hosting social mixers of various sorts for students to meet each other. On the academic side of things, students will head to their classes to map out their route and determine if they will need to take campus transportation, bike, or walk.
As the weeks go on, you’ll begin to develop your daily routine, and at some point you’ll begin to feel like a true college student – sleep deprived and constantly studying. Make college your own experience and take advantage of situations that will move you forward – whether it’s a work placement, networking, internships, or simply talking to someone you haven’t met in your dorm room.
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