Getting ready to head back to school or preparing for your first semester at college? Need some help? Well, there’s an app for that.
First off, make sure your wifi’s connected for some app downloading! Before all the classes and studying (you know, all the real stuff you’re at college for) creeps up on you, you’ll need to actually pack.
Before you leave home, triple check to make sure that you have everything you need. Pop quiz: What’s one of the most frequently forgotten items you should bring to college? Business/professional clothes! I know you didn’t think of that yet – but there will be occasions that call for you to swap your Nike tee for a button down! Make sure you start day one with all you need. Go checkout this college focused checklist app – College Packing Checklist for Android and College Packing Lists for iPhone. These apps will have suggestions on all the needed items and a checklist to manage them.
After your packing list is complete, it’s time to get your class schedule and educational needs organized. Aside from just remembering your class schedule (granted, this is harder than it sounds) it’s critical as a student to have a solid grasp of all homework topics and due dates, tests and other class requirements. Luckily, there are some great apps for that. If you’re an Android lover, look no further than Schedule Planner – Class Schedule on Campus Life and for iOS, checkout Class Timetable. (Please note that Class Timetable also has an Android version but it hasn’t been updated since 2015.)
As you’re rocking your classes and seeing the end of the semester, it’s time to start thinking ahead and get a jump on the competition. You’re going to need an internship sooner than you think. Don’t wait till the last minute, get on it with this helpful tool and list of international internships: Precisely – Internships, Scholarships for students for Android and Handshake Jobs & Careers for iOS.