Can you believe that Finals are just around the corner? and we know many of you are starting to gear up for long sleepless nights of studying and eating copious amounts of ramen. We also know that this type of study schedule leaves you little to no room to think about move outs. Make no mistake, move out day is coming, and the last thing you want is to put yourself in a position of overloaded stress. Trust us on that!
Our service is pretty simple. You register, get boxes and tape sent to you, and pack your stuff. We then pick up your stuff, and either store or ship it for you (or both if needed). If you’re coming back to live in the dorms next year, you just schedule a delivery with us and your boxes will be brought back to you. If not, then we’ll ship your boxes to where you need them..
Dorm Room Movers has something called “Free Dates.” These are specific dates on the calendar where our moving team will come pick up your belongings. These dates are coordinated by our logistics team and Residence Life to line up with your school’s academic calendar. Yes, these dates are free. No catch. No asterisk. There are on-demand dates, but they cost a little extra and require approval.
Even if you don’t know the exact dates of when you need to get your stuff picked up and delivered right now, we highly recommend getting registered now. You can always go back into your account to update any date information once you know it. The key part to a successful move is planning well ahead. This way, you’re giving yourself options that are available instead of having to wait until the lest minute with much fewer options available to you.
Good luck with finals everyone and remember, we’re here to help if you need us!