Classes are officially in session! For the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Freshman, it’s an entire new world of social norms to adjust to. Let’s face it, college parties are one of the pillars of the college experience. We’re not saying that attending a social gathering of this magnitude is a mandatory right of passage, but all of the high energy and excitement is infectious and the allure of meeting new people is difficult to ignore. Here are a few tips to help you stay on the party train without being derailed or driven off-track.
Sure, this may be obvious, but it still needs to be said. Go with a buddy or two and be sure to stay in constant communication if you get separated at the party. The last thing you want is for your friends to panic over your whereabouts when you’re simply in a different room.
If you have a friend that doesn’t want to be at the party but is willing to go for your safety, ensure you make it up to them and let them know how much you appreciate their care and support. It’s immensely valuable to have friends that are willing to do this for you.
Disclaimer. We do not endorse underage drinking but for health and safety reasons, we must discuss this. Drinking is not required to have fun, and it’s totally okay not to have a drink at a party. It’s like some folks who head to Starbucks to work on their laptop (not order a drink) because they like the atmosphere, not necessarily the coffee.
Look, drinking is going to happen. We’re not blind to that. However, it’s important to know what to look out for. Be cautious if someone offers you a drink. Only accept it if you see them pour it or pour it yourself with them – but always try to get yourself a drink. When holding a drink, do not keep it down to your side or behind you. Rather, stick it close to your chest.
If you set down your drink and try to come back for it, leave it and get a new one. Lastly, know your limits. Do not let anyone peer pressure you into taking more drinks if you know you can’t drink anymore. When they say trust your instinct or gut, this is what they mean.
Not to sound like a frightened parent, but we’ve got the experiences under our belts (both good and bad) to warrant a share. Enjoy the fall semester. It will be great.