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4 Absolute Summer Goals for College Students

Hey guys! Imagine that the game of baseball has no set goals – no objectives and no plans for what happens in the game. The ball is pitched, you crack it and then… wander aimlessly throughout the diamond, run into the dugout for Gatorade, throw the bat at the umpire? No! You run to first, then second, third and finally your last goal is to get home. The only reason these steps are all able to be accomplished is because they’re set – these are the goals of the game. Much like baseball, your summer will require some foundation work, too. First things first, you’ll need to set some goals for this summer, and we’re here to help!

So, let’s get to first base together.

Thank You

An important goal throughout life should be networking. However, the critical importance of networking is oddly something that’s not taught in school. In order to to get a jump on networking long before you’re out in the working world, make a list of your professors and send them all a thank you note. Do this every semester, and you’ll build a pool of people you can use to network with and hit up for those coveted recommendations. Even if you weren’t a rock star in the class, just send a simple thank you. It goes a long way.

Be A Newbie

We’ve all got that grumpy ‘ol grandpa or  uncle who’s shaking his fist at every new fangled invention and lamenting about how things used to be. You want that to be you? We don’t want that either. The secret to not getting angry as the rest of the world moves away from you is to keep trying new things. Don’t fall in a rut. Go online, search for a new hobby, a new group to hang with, a new sport to try or even just download some new app that’s totally different from what you’re used to.  This summer, and every summer till the end of summers – redo this goal.

Touch Someone

As time goes on and new experiences and people come into our lives, we tend to let other people and experiences fall away. Before the summer’s out, write down the name of at least one person that meant something to you that you’ve lost touch with. Make it a goal to reconnect with this single person. You’ll be surprised to see how old friends can sometimes be seen in a new perspective now that you have a greater depth of living life under your belt.  

Stay Close

Look, it’s summer and time goes by quick before you have to return to school. It should be a continuing goal to destress. An effective and popular way to chill and renew is taking a vacation. However, often money and time are short. This summer, stay close and take a vacation by exploring your neighborhood. Plan a mini stay-cation and find out how cool your community is while saving time and money in the process.

Whatever you do this summer, make it a great one and if you send us a thank you, we’ll be sure to return the favor.

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