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Don’t Get Schooled

Whether this is your first semester of college EVER, or you are returning for your 2nd, 3rd or 4th year, getting adjusted to college life can be difficult. You always have a ton going on and it may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips on how to make the transition a bit easier…

#1 Balance your time  When you go to college for the first time, or back to college after your first year, it may be hard to get back in the habit of balancing your study and social time. During summer vacation, you may have had a lot of free time to do whatever you want and you probably will still have a ton of free time after and before classes. It’s important to focus on school atleast part of that time and not to lose sight of why you are at college to begin with. Make a schedule to stick to or get your assignments and studying done before you hang with friends on the weekdays so you can still reach those GPA goals you made.

#2 Evaluate your classes The first few weeks of the semester are important because you only have a short amount of time to figure out which classes you want to drop. Take these few weeks to decide what you want to do and which classes you feel like you should stay in. Look at the syllabus and decide if the outlined coursework was what you thought it would be. This is your chance to ask the professor or teacher’s aid any questions you have. If you were hoping to get in to a class that was full, use this time to see if you can get in now.

#3 Get Out There You’ve been back in your bubble, a.k.a your hometown, allllll summer long. Seeing your family and your old friends from high school school was fun, but don’t let missing them get in the way of your new semester. Use these first few weeks to put yourself out there and try something new. Even if you’re coming back knowing a ton of people at college, think about branching out a bit. There are tons of clubs and organizations to join on campus, so why not take advantage of that? These groups could introduce you to new friends and future career opportunities you didn’t even know existed.

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