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What to keep and what to throw away at the end of the year

You’re busy studying for finals, spending time with friends and figuring out summer plans, so naturally you need to add another thing on your to do list…right? Packing up for summer vacation could be a time consuming thing to do, but it’s necessary. What’s more important is figuring out what to keep and what to throw or give away at the end of the year.

Here’s some of our guidelines…

1. Clothes- When was the last time you wore that random sweater in the back of your closet? As a rule of thumb, if you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s time for it to go. In addition, stained, stuff that doesn’t fit anymore and uncomfortable items should be given away as well.

2. School Stuff- You’re making about a bajillion notecards and study guides for finals right now, but after your exams you should ask yourself if you will really ever use these again. If you have notebooks of doodles and notes for classes that probably won’t relate to your overall major or any classes you take in the future- toss! Keep those files on your computer or notes that may be useful for the future!

3. Decorations- Are you thinking about changing up your room next year? Maybe it’s time to get rid of that One Direction poster with Zayn and buy an upgraded one! Think about what you will really use again or what is worth spending money to ship or store. You may even be moving from a twin bed to a full or queen bed and never use that set of jersey sheets again. Chances are, you’ll find a few things in your room that you’re ready to let go of.

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