Papers and Tests and Quizzes! Oh my! When you have a bunch of different assignments and tests scheduled in each class, mixed with work and social obligations, it gets difficult to buckle down and study. Here are some tips to stay on track this Fall for midterms…
#1 Location, location, location
Are you a library person or do you like studying in a private area? Wherever you work best, go there! Your environment may really impact your focus. As the weather is cooling down, try going outside or sitting near a window. The fresh air may be a good break from the library or your desk in your room.
#2 Balanced intake
If you’re a coffee addict that’s okay, but you may want to switch to tea for just this week. Tea still gives you energy and leaves out the shaky feeling. For your diet, instead of grabbing a bag of chips out of the vending machine, try healthier snacks like nuts, power bars and berries to boost your energy and immune system.
#3 Find a study buddy
Even if you aren’t quizzing each other or working on the same subject, having a study buddy will keep you motivated and focused. Try to match up schedules with some of your friends or classmates and get to work. You will drive each other forward and keep on task. Just make sure not to choose someone who will distract you.
#4 Social media is not your friend
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest are a big no-no when you’re studying. They’re distracting and take your mind to a different place. It’s understandable why staying off of these sites are difficult since it’s almost always necessary to use your computer to study and write papers. Try downloading Self Control on your computer. It’s one of many downloads that allows you to block any websites on your computer for up to 24 hours, allowing you to shift your focus completely.
#5 It’s all about the schedule
Segment out your day so that you know when you’re studying for each exam. It is important to know how much time you are giving yourself so you don’t study for one subject too long. Creating a schedule will keep you organized and leave you feeling less overwhelmed.
#6 Break free
Just because you have a lot to do doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give yourself time for a much needed break. Staring at a computer or notebook all day can get tiresome and you’ve been working hard, so treat yourself! Not sure what to do during your break? Try doing something to get you moving and stretch out your legs, like going for a walk or taking a gym break.
#7 Keep positive
If you don’t have any confidence in yourself, how do you expect to ace your exam? Just have a realistic goal in mind and strive to surpass it. Try to think positively and know that you are doing your very best.
#8 Music boost
Studying with music is not for everyone, but if it’s your thing then you have to make sure you choose the right genre that keeps you focused and allows you to get lost in your studies Are you a classical, indie, acoustic or pop person? Make a study playlist with your iTunes, log in to your favorite Pandora station or find a study themed playlist online to help you out. Try one of our favorite fall playlists here.
Best of luck with midterms. I’m sure you’ll ace them!