Now that the initial shock of moving out of your folks home and into a 12×12 or if you’re lucky 14×14 box shaped room has worn off, we figured you’d need a few (or more) tips to survive living in the dorm halls.
In an effort to ease the pain, below are 10 tricks to surviving dorm life.
#1: Hide ‘n’ Seek
Unless you’re one of the lucky few who gets a dorm room all to your self, one of the first things you realize about living in a dorm is that lack of privacy you have. Meaning, you don’t have any. Shy or not, you quickly get over your concerns and live for the moments where you get bit of alone time. It’s a case of hide-n’seek with your dorm mates. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Tip: Learn your dorm mates schedule so if you need down time and the room to yourself, you can take advantage of those moments when they’re away.
#2: Volume Control…
Noise is the number one complaint to adjusting to life within the dorms. With over 200+ people on each level, the volume can quickly escalate. Tip: Invest is a few good pairs of ear buds and headphones. The ear buds will help with sleep and cancel out any noise your roommates may make and the headphones will cancel out the remaining 199 people on your floor when you need to zone out and study.
#3: Border Control…
Surrounding yourself by other people 24/7 is bound to create tension sooner or later. No one gets along all the time, especially if your confined in close quarters. The key to keeping the peace is staying diplomatic and maintaining an open line of communication. Tip: Some articles suggest weekly meetings and others suggest creating a rule book. At the end of the day, you know what works best for you. So go with your gut… Either way, ‘when in doubt talk it out’. If something is on your mind that your unsure about or that is bugging you let your roomy know – rationally. No sense in burning bridges over spilled milk.
#4: RA & Peers…
Regardless if you’re shy or not, social calls with your RA or other dorm peers are a good way to help stay motivated and survive the semester away from home. Especially if it’s your first. Don’t lock yourself up away from friends and sunshine. Tip: Get active and know who you share your hall with. If you’re a tad on the anti-social side, schedule some time with your RA so you can’t bow out of it.
#5: Always Apply The Golden Rule…
Remember that 5th grade rule your teacher taught and referred to under any circumstance? No… well I do, and I am happy to give you a refresher… The saying goes something like this, “do one to others as you would have them unto you.” Rumors and gossip spread like wild fire within the hallways of the dormitories. The best way to avoid drama is not partake in it. Tip: Don’t like drama? Then don’t start it, spread it, or partake in it.
Now that you have a better grasp on how to navigate the dorms, get back to your classes.
Best of luck in the semester ahead,