Finals are just around the corner… Which means your prep time is short from now until then. To avoid cramming all night before each exam, give some of the recommendations below a try to keep you on track.
#1: List out all of your exams and place them on your phone calendar and/or school reference book.
#2: Pulling all nighters puts a lot of stress of your body. Get ahead of the game by taking your immunity supplements or teas NOW. Don’t wait till the last minute to guzzle down a ton of vitamin C tabs or Emergen – C packets. You want to boost your body slowly, not give yourself diarrhea. So, start boosting your system now to get your body in gear so you have less of a chance of getting sick during or after your exam week. In addition to that make sure to always drink plenty of water.
#3: Stress sucks… So, in conjunction with the #2 tip, start exercising at least 3-4 times a week. If you already have an exercise regimen, increase your workouts so you can bare the added pressures of passing your classes more smoothly when the time comes.
#4: Buddy up with a few people from each of your classes and schedule study group sessions with them. Two or more heads is better than one. Having someone who thinks differently than you will undoubtedly help you gain insight to the classes. You will be able to cover your subjects so you’re prepared for any of those random analytical questions that come up.
#5: Switch up your study space. Your dorm desk or room comes in handy, but getting out of the 14×14 box and away from the same block of wood your shoulders have been hunched over for the past few months may be helpful.
#6: Rely on tea, coffee and/or vitamin B-12 – not soda or energy drinks. Though tea and coffee have a high amount of caffeine, they’re not loaded down with sugar (at least they shouldn’t be any way) like sodas and energy drinks are. Soda and energy drinks generally have a lot of sugar in them, which causes your body to crash hard once you’ve had the high energy surge you were seeking.
#7: Use colors to stimulate your memory. Highlighters were always my favorite pens to rely on during finals week. The different color options symbolize the importance of a subject and/or break up all of the words to avoid your eyes going cross eyed.
As a Dorm Room movers author, feel free to leave any additional finals tips to help you get through your finals.
Good luck,