The Spring semester is coming to a close. In addition to all those finals, projects and that dreaded move-out day – you have a few items on your to-do list to consider checking off before the dorms boot you out. Below are 6 Things To Do Before The Semester Ends.
#1: Attend A Sporting Event
If you haven’t made an effort to attend a college game, now’s the time. It’s OK if massive crowds aren’t your thing… In the long run, you’ll look back on your college years and wish you participated more. So, grab a few buddies and skip on over to a basketball or some Springtime sports event that will get you into the school spirit.
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#2: Start Applying For A Summer Internship or Job
You’ve only got a month or less of school before Summer break hits. Be proactive and start actively looking for a part time job or Summer internship that you can utilize towards your College credits and/or make some cash from. Those extra credits will be put to good use and if it’s a job you’re after, the cash will come in handy for the following semester (or just to play around with during the long 3 month break). If you need help drafting a resume, check out our resume tips and interview help articles.
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#3: Check In To A Guest Speaker Event On Campus
Every college offers guest speaker events throughout the semester. Some are well known entrepreneurs in the community or state, while others have more influence in pop culture or are distinguished in politics or some social activist program. Regardless of the speaker, attending a college guest speaking event can be incredibly uplifting and empowering. Taking a few hours to sit and listen in on the knowledge they’ve gained from their life struggles will be completely worth your time. So, be sure to check in on the events calendar for any upcoming speakers that may be visiting your college campus.
#4: Hash Out Old Grudges
Though it may be easier said than done, carrying around the weight of a grudge is not worth the time and energy you give it. Whether it’s pride or just plain stubbornness that’s making you hold onto your grudge, taking the time to forgive someone for something can be a really rewarding experience. Besides, at the end of the day, that added weight is only wearing you down. Holding onto unnecessary anger does nothing but create havoc on your self-esteem and ultimately, it can make you look like a huge ass. Time to suck it up and let it go.
#5: Edit Your Social Media Pictures & Viewing Options
This past school year was probably filled with some memorable moments and some memories you wish you could forget. Hop on to your social pages and do an inventory and mass cleanse of the social status updates you regret as well as any comments you might have left or pictures you got tagged in. Although staying in touch with the family online can be extremely convenient, Grandma and Grandpa don’t need to see all of your late night pictures at that party you attended. Nor does your future employer. If you need help, check out our article on Tips For Your Online Social Presence.
#6: Ask For A Reference From Your Teacher or Professor
There’s always that one teacher or Professor who just gets you. You click well and you actually enjoy the stuff they teach to the class. You’ve made a point to stay in contact with them beyond the classroom. As a result, you’ve managed to gain an exceptional advantage to any competing candidates you may find yourself up against in the not so distant future. Be sure to ask that special guy or gal professor for a reference before applying to a job or internship. Having them listed on a resume can do wonders for your career… And, if you’re super close, maybe they’ll provide you a letter of recommendation as well!
As a Dorm Room Movers author, feel free to leave any additional suggestions that may come in handy to those who are in their last few weeks of school.