Although money isn’t everything, it helps pay the bills and provide a specific type of life style. That being said, your major might not always place you in a high dollar position.
Instead of kicking back by the pool side with your buddies, you might find yourself bar-tending because the degree you have doesn’t provide the income you had originally anticipated. Or, perhaps your field of interest has been heavily affected by the economy. The best way to ensure you don’t fall victim of this is to do your research and hope for the best but plan for the worst.
With the ever-fluctuating economy, your best bet is to major in a field that you not only enjoy but can also reap the benefits from. Majoring in a degree that will have the biggest impact on your post-graduate earnings is a great way to step out of the class system and boost your career right off the bat.
We fellow post-graduates at Dorm Room Movers have done the research for you. Below are the top 10 majors by salary potential. Just be sure to thank us later when your career path is laid out nicely and you’re bank rolling it! ;0)
Major Starting Salary Mid-Career Salary
Petroleum Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Actuarial Mathematics
Chemical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Computer Engineering (CE)
Applied Mathematics
Computer Science (CS)
Good luck to you and major ON! As a Dorm Room Movers Author, I look forward to your comments here.
P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, take a look at the Huffington Post discussion at The reporters bring up some pretty interesting insights that you may want to consider!
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